Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau Wiertsema & Partners B.V.
Wiertsema & Partners B.V. and her sister company, Marine Sampling Holland B.V., plan and perform geotechnical site investigations onshore, near-shore or offshore and provide geotechnical laboratory and consulting services, both in the Netherlands and in other parts of the world.
Wiertsema & Partners B.V. was founded more than 30 years ago and is one of the largest geotechnical consulting companies in the Netherlands with experienced engineers, site managers, field crews and state of the art equipment available for the following services:
– Cone Penetration Testing / in-situ testing
– Geotechnical drilling and sampling
– Geo-monitoring and pile integrity testing
– Environmental drilling and sampling
– Geotechnical laboratory analyses
– Consulting services (geotechnical, environmental and hydrogeological)
Wiertsema & Partners B.V. has a strong base in the Netherlands and provides services world wide. They have carried out geotechnical site investigations for onshore and offshore wind farms.
To expand the offshore capabilities, a specialized division of the Dutch research institute TNO was acquired in 2007. The personnel with more than 40 years of world wide experience and specialized equipment were housed in a new company, Marine Sampling Holland B.V.. The core business is marine sampling of the seabed and cone penetrating testing. Marine Sampling has carried out numerous roue surveys for offshore power cables.
For more information please visit www.wiertsema.nl or www.marinesamplingholland.nl