European cooperation in the offshore wind sector
Building blocks and synergies at EU and regional level
The Interreg 4C project 4POWER on Offshore Wind is coming to an end. This European project has identified best practices in offshore wind from the regional level to the level of the European Union. On November the 18th the end event of this project will be held, during the Energy Convention in Groningen (NL). The results of this project will be presented and handed over to a member of the Comitte of Regions and (hopefully) the EU Commisioner of Energy. Furthermore, they will have some interesting international speakers on offshore wind. They will speak about some of their Best Practices.
So save the date: Tuesday 18th of November in Groningen (NL)!
For more information on the end event, check out the website of 4POWER ( For more information about the Energy convention, check out the website of the Energy Convention (
Flyer Building blocks and synergies at EU and regional level