Press Release Symposium 14 & 15 March 2019
Regional Offshore wind clusters in the Northern Netherlands organize a symposium and B2B matchmaking event : “Think Global, Act Local in the Northern North Sea”
NNOW, NOM, New Energy Coalition and the province of Groningen together with Inn2POWER and Enterprise Europe Network organize an offshore wind symposium with various showcases and many matchmaking possibilities.
“With international participation from the German Cluster WAB, the Danish cluster Offshore Energy, the Belgian cluster POM and UK Clusters, we will meet for two days of presentations, networking and inspiration.”
Date : 14 & 15 March 2019
Location : A-kerk Groningen, The Netherlands & Nijlicht, Eemshaven
During this two-day symposium, participants will be informed about developments of wind farms in the northern part of the Dutch North Sea. In addition, activities within the main offshore wind port the Eemshaven will be explained. Moreover, opportunities for cross-border cooperation and new innovations will be discussed.
Key note speakers:
● Nienke Homan, Regional Minister of Energy Transition
● Hans Timmers, Chairman NWEA
● Jannes Stokroos, director of sales shipping & technology, Groningen Seaports
● Jan de Vries, Business Developer Offshore, Ballast Nedam
● Frank Wester, Asset Manager Offshore, TenneT
● Walid Oulame, Project Sourcing Manager for GE Wind Offshore
Info market
During the two days there is an info-market showing various innovations (such as Ocean Grazer and Birdwatch / Max radar) and in the program there is a guided tour on the Eemshaven start up facilities.
Matchmaking Event
A B2B Matchmaking event during the symposium, jointly organized by the Inn2POWER project partners and the Enterprise Europe Network, brings together companies in the offshore wind industry (contractors as well as suppliers) from a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to start new business contacts and contracts.
We invite companies to our upcoming Inn2POWER events to discuss, to meet decision makers and to actively shape the future of the offshore wind industry in the North Sea Region!
Sign up
Attending the symposium is free of charge for cluster members and guests of NNOW
and Inn2Power partners. For non-members there is a fee of € 95,- p.p. (exl. VAT).
Joining the B2B Matchmaking event on March 15th is free of charge.
More info
Dirk Jan Hummel
+31 (0)6 224 96 407
About Inn2POWER
Inn2POWER is a four-year Interreg project of eleven partners from the five leading offshore wind clusters in the North Sea Region – Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The aim is to expand the capacity for innovation and to improve access to the offshore wind industry for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by connecting offshore wind businesses in the North Sea Region.
Northern Netherlands Offshore Wind is a network organization and open to all regional companies already active or to those that want to become active in the offshore wind Supply chain. Besides networking, exchanging knowledge and joint promotion and acquisition, there is also a strong focus on R&D, business development and training of qualified personnel.