Lubbers Logistics Group

Lubbers Logistics Group (Lubbers) offers worldwide logistics services under three service labels: Road Transport, Global Freight and Projects & Services. The company’s focus markets are the energy sector and complex industrial sectors like the dredging industry and heavy lift support.
With a truck fleet of 140 trucks, pick-ups and vans and 350 different trailers Lubbers Road Transport is able to move standard groupage cargo as well as special, oversized loads (f.a. narcels and blades). Besides road transports also storage and handling services are offered to the Offshore Wind Industry via 7 own facilities around the North Sea.
Through service label Global Freight forwarding and global logistics services are offered. Lubbers delivers complex, urgent or out of gauge cargo to any place in the world, through the Air, by Sea and via Rail.
Lubbers Projects & Services offers turnkey rigmoves and pipeline projects. By using own experienced specialists and equipment in combination with strategic partners, the most complex projects are successfully executed. These projects are often supported by staff from Lubbers own employment agency Lubbers @work. Lubbers @work offers personnel services for the engineering-, wind-, oilfield- and well services industry as well as for the transport and logistics sector. Besides logistics- and staffing services, Lubbers Projects & Services also offers (offshore-) container and accommodation rentals.
Lubbers Logistics Groups has 350 employees and an annual turnover of € 75 million (2018).