Stopaq BV
STOPAQ® BV is developing innovative sealing and corrosion protective systems for over 25 years. All products are based on patented 100% pure P.I.B. technology and do adhere on virtual all dry and wet substrates with minimal substrate preparation. STOPAQ® is developing the most resource-efficient and cost-effective sealing and corrosion protective solutions from a total project life perspective. With minimal substrate preparation requirements and safe and simple application techniques, asset owners enjoy significant cost savings over conventional coatings typically requiring blasting and hazardous material disposal. Because STOPAQ® material properties remain for the life of the protected asset, maintenance costs are reduced to a minimum.
Current activities are protection of submerged, immersed and atmospheric pipelines, structural steel and concrete in a.o. the Offshore/Oil & Gas/Petrochemical industry, Water-and Wastewater industry, (Wind) Power industry.
No tools or special primers needed.
No osmosis or underfilm migration of moisture.
No induction heating/preheating needed.
No salt/bacteria contamination issues.
Less equipment needed (no blasting equipment incl. compressors, generators, pots and hoses).
Can be applied by rope-access (no scaffolding required).
Lower mobilization cost.
High surface tolerance: St2/St3 wire brushing is sufficient.
Reduced shutdown-time /Fast and easy application.
Compatible to all existing well adhering coating-systems.
Most environmental friendly corrosion protection system on the market.
Overall cost saving for Company and Contractor; Total Cost of Ownership.
Distinctive products:
Sealing and corrosion protective systems which can be applied on wet and dry substrates.